Check out the Chamber Calendar to see currently scheduled Greeters meetings
Click on each event in the calendar to learn more about it
What is Greeters?
Greeters is a free weekly event that is held every Thursday morning from 8:15-9:15 at a different Chamber business each week. The purpose of Greeters is business networking, building your connections base, and learning about the hosting business. This is an event exclusively offered to Chamber Members. If you are not currently a Chamber member, you are welcome to attend an event to see if membership would be right for you.
Why should I attend Greeters?
To meet your business community! Expand your connections, meet new friends, and have a great start to your Thursdays.
There is always coffee and some light refreshments (could be donuts or fruit), and the opportunity to win free stuff! There are door prizes and a Question of the Day that relates to the host, the one who guesses correctly often receives a prize.
Not to mention an easy way to keep up with Chamber events and member-only specials that are sometimes only exchanged at Greeters.
Greeters Guidelines
- Greeters officially starts at 8:30am. Before that is networking/socializing time to grab some food and coffee, and chat with others. You may resume chatting with others after the program has concluded.
- All in attendance must sign in at the registration table.
- Please make sure your cell phone is silenced during this event.
- If you are a Chamber Member: You are welcome to bring a small door prize to donate to be given away after the host's gifts. It should be $15 or less in value. The Host's door prizes should be the main focus.
How do I start attending?
You can sign up to be on our Greeters mailing list to be reminded about upcoming Greeters events through Your Chamber Account:
- Just go to Settings > Personal > Groups/Interests > Check "Greeters- Receives Greeter Invitations".
Or simply email Jadyn at to let us know you're interested in getting involved in Greeters. You may also email us if you don't know your login info!
We also post weekly reminders on our Facebook Page @AlbanyORChamber

Interested in Hosting?
We encourage you to become involved in Greeters, not only as a host, but also as a weekly participant. This kind of networking increases your visibility and expands your networking systems, critical for the success of any business!
Each member of the Chamber has the opportunity to host a Greeters event no more than once per year. Bronze level members must pay $50 to host. Greeters does not have to be held at your office location, it can be held anywhere you like. However, we strongly recommend utilizing other Chamber members locations if you hold it elsewhere.
Those who have not hosted a greeters before, or have not hosted in more than a year, have precedence over those who have more recently hosted.
More information about hosting details will be given when you are selected to be a host.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Jadyn at