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About Us


Your Business and Community Advocate


The Albany Area Chamber of Commerce strives to be recognized by the business community, governments, and individuals in the state as a leader in the development of partnerships to maximize quality job growth that balances prosperity and quality of life.

We are a “3C” Chamber:

A Catalyst for Business Growth
A Convenor of leaders and influencers
A Champion for the Albany Area

The heart of Albany’s business community since 1904, the Albany Area Chamber is the largest, strongest and most active business advocacy organization in the area. The Chamber brings business leaders together to accomplish collectively, what no one business could do alone. Professionally managed, goal-oriented and highly visible, the Chamber is dedicated to taking a pro-active community leadership role. Members have an array of opportunities to be involved in. By attending various events, seminars, special programs or becoming a part of a committee and task force Chamber members provide a united effort to improve the overall well-being of the community.

One of the greatest values of Chamber membership comes through its successful programs to improve the economic climate and quality of life in the Albany area. Chamber programs are developed to produce a healthy, expanding economy which creates more demand for goods and services, ultimately benefiting the entire community.

2024-2025 Albany Chamber Board of Directors
Front Row: L-R  Jennifer Stanaway, Samaritan Health, Grant Cyrus, Target Distribution, Brent Stutzman, Stutzman Services, Selina Marshall, Citizens Bank, Janet Steele, Chamber President  Middle Row: L-R  John Pascone, L.E.D.G., Sarah Steen, Jason Yutzie, Coastal Farm, Joel Kinman, Bravo Company, Sarah Knowles, SingerLewak, John Andersen, Boy & Girls Club of Albany  Back Row:  L-R  Brian Oare, Oare & Associates, Keith Kessler, Direct Flooring Center, Chris Hanson, ATI, Roger Nyquist, Lake Shore Lanes, Abel Condrea, Edward Jones
2024-2025 Albany Chamber Board of Directors Front Row: L-R Jennifer Stanaway, Samaritan Health, Grant Cyrus, Target Distribution, Brent Stutzman, Stutzman Services, Selina Marshall, Citizens Bank, Janet Steele, Chamber President Middle Row: L-R John Pascone, L.E.D.G., Sarah Steen, Jason Yutzie, Coastal Farm, Joel Kinman, Bravo Company, Sarah Knowles, SingerLewak, John Andersen, Boy & Girls Club of Albany Back Row: L-R Brian Oare, Oare & Associates, Keith Kessler, Direct Flooring Center, Chris Hanson, ATI, Roger Nyquist, Lake Shore Lanes, Abel Condrea, Edward Jones